How is a food factory different from a food shop/ establishment?
A food factory is able to grant you the license from Singapore Food Agency (SFA) to manufacture, produce and cater everything related to food, in short, you can do a B2B or B2C. On the other hand, a food shop only allows you to produce and cater for end consumers only or B2C, you are not allowed to sell to other business to resell.
What are the key considerations to look out in a food factory?
Other than price the key factors to look out for is the technical specifications. Specifications like, electrical supply, floor loading, grease trap, exhaust provisions, water supply, changing rooms, vehicle access and type of property (ramp up, flatted or landed factories) are very important considerations for your business operations.
Where are the food factories in Singapore?
Food factories are mainly found in the West, North and the Eastern parts of Singapore. You hardly get any food factories in the central or Southern parts of Singapore. Do refer to our website for the locality and buildings allowed for food or contact us for our curated list of food factories.
Is it necessary to get a Food Factory for Food storage?
Depends on what you are dealing with. For dry goods storage or even cold storage that is pre-packed with no processing generally B1 or light industrial factories are able to serve your needs subjected to Singapore Food Agency approval and assessment.
What is the procedure of Singapore Food Agency Licensing?
In general, after you found your approved food factory you will have to submit 3 sets of documents which include your layout plan, workflow and inventory to Singapore Food Agency for approval. Once approved, you can start your renovation and make an appointment with SFA to inspect once your renovation is completed. Thereafter if everything is according to standard and plans SFA will grant you your license.
If you are unfamiliar or in doubts, I would strongly recommend you to engage a food consultant to assist you with the necessary application. It may be more costly to move forward without one.